Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Squirt Gun Poops & Big Girl Milestones

You might ask, "How can Lindsay possibly have any more poop stories???"

Let me rock your world...

4:30 a.m. ... Last night ... Mara had just finished nursing ... Time to change the diaper ...

I had just cleaned up the poopy diaper, removed it, and put her A+D ointment on her little booty. As I was thanking my stars for her not pooping while I applied the gel (which I do every time - I realize I'm not in the clear for that one until she's out of diapers), Mara was wiggling happily on her changing pad. Suddenly, she lifted her bottom and SQUIRTED poop out across the room. I sh*t you not. (Yes, I intended to make that pun.) Seriously, though, it was like she had loaded a squirt gun with her feces and pumped her little Super Soaker to achieve maximum pressure before releasing her ammo. I couldn't believe it. How is that feat even possible?!?! As it happened, I couldn't help but exclaim, "Oh my GOD!" and woke Mike up. ("Sorry, honey, didn't mean to wake you... but your daughter is a poop acrobat...a poopcrobat, if you will.")

I cleaned up as much as I could with limited light from the bathroom, but even with the Oxyclean, there was still discoloration on the floor that I saw this morning.. it's literally a line of stains. Unreal.

Always one to keep me on my toes, Mara decided to sneeze while I was changing her this morning when she woke up... along with the sneeze came more poop. Luckily, this extra little surprise didn't shoot across the room.. it just soaked her old diaper, new diaper (which was underneath/to the side of the old one), and her PJs (underneath/to the side of the new diaper). Unbelievable. Maybe I should contact the Guinness Book of World Records? Is there a category for Longest Poop Shot Out of a Baby's Butt??

Science of Rock 'n Roll
Mike, Mara, and I went to Union Station's current special exhibit, The Science of Rock 'n Roll. It was awesome! Lots of history, music, and interactive elements. You could play the guitar, piano, drums, or sing and record yourself...upload it using your "backstage pass"...and view it online later! So cool.. too bad Mara got hungry after just over an hour. I would have liked to have stayed longer and played more. :) I recommend the exhibit for anyone in the KC area! Educational and fun!
My terrible impression of Elvis... I was working hard on the legs, but Mike cut them off!
At least Mara got to be part of the Hound Dog experience. :)

The Anderson Family Singers ... see our band behind us?? 

Big Girl @ 2 Months Old!
Mara was 2 months old on Monday, January 14th. I can't believe it! The sad part of her big day was that she had to get 3 shots at the pediatrician's office. SO, SO SAD. I knew it would be hard, but I can't erase the image of my sweet little trusting baby girl looking at me happily and then getting poked by a mean ol' sharp needle. Her eyes got huge, as she was startled, and then she just started screaming. I was holding her hands and she squeezed my fingers so tightly I thought she'd never let go. It was all I could do to not cry right along with her. I'm trying to figure out how to keep her from being traumatized by needles or the doctor, or thinking that her mommy causes her pain. :-/

A fun part of her growing up is that she's more interested in interacting. We have gone to a few Gymboree classes and she looooves looking at the other kids. She is also a fan of The Wheels on the Bus and the movements we do...although, she usually tries to eat my hands when I hold them to make circles with them... this kid is always hungry! (Maybe that's why she's a poopcrobat...) Books are a fun thing for us to enjoy, too! Here she is, reading Moo, Baa, Fa La La with me. :)

Also, reading The Giving Tree as a mommy gives an entirely new meaning to the relationship between the tree and the boy. I got choked up reading it to Mara Lou!

I just love her so much.. So much. <3

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