To this day, when I'm sick, all I want is to be taken care of. I'm sure this stems from being a kid and having my mom come take my temperature, give me 7-Up, feed me soup, hold my hair back if I had to puke, and speak soothingly to me to help me rest. Today, I learned what it was to be on the other side of this relationship...and it made me realize how thankful I am for moms (and dads - saying mom because I am one!) who take care of us so well that we don't realize they are sacrificing their sleep, their hunger, their to-do list for our well-being.
Last week, Mara Lou was sick with her first cold. It is so tough, helplessly watching your little baby cough and breathe through a heavily-congested respiratory track. :( She is finally on the upswing, only coughing a little at night and in the morning...but another member of our family got sick last night...
As I crawled into bed around 11:45 (I can't sleep, even though I'm tired all day), Mike was tossing and turning. He said his belly hurt. By 12:30, he was making frequent visits to the bathroom. We had Pepto in the car from our drive home over the holidays (ugh, don't ask - not fun), so I ran out to the garage at 1, got him the Pepto, and spoon-fed him the pink stuff about 20 minutes before he puked it all up.. after a while, I decided to leave our bedroom and sleep on the bed in Mara's room - I knew I'd never get sleep if I kept hearing Mike get up and get sick... so to Mara's room I went. Sleep. Yes.
Mara only woke at 4:30 and then was up by 8:15. After feeding her, taking her outside to walk Shermie, playing with her, and then putting her to sleep, I checked on Mike. Poor guy was wiped - his body had completely cleaned itself out overnight. I got him some Gatorade and a straw and then proceeded to scrub down the kitchen (he had made dinner last night)...threw in some laundry because Mara likes to spit-up on everything.. and baby girl was up again. Play play play...clean clean clean...made a grocery list ...
Gymboree was at 2... Mara made it to 2:20 before she had had enough and began to cry. It was at this point I realized I had left her pacifier at home in her crib. Crap. This would make grocery shopping an even more interesting experience. As I left Gymboree at 3, I considered just going home, but I knew we had next to nothing for food. SO, I went to Target first, bought a new pacifier, and headed to Trader Joe's. Smart me, I left the frappin' paci in the car!!!! Agghhh... Mara was sleeping, so I just kept shopping. Unfortunately, Mara woke up as I was checking out. At first, she was all smiley, batting her beautiful eyes as I talked to her. That luck ran out. Cue screaming. Handled it pretty well, though, talking to Mara to [try unsuccessfully to] calm her down.
Got home, put her in her swing (where she cried), brought in the groceries, fed Mara, put the groceries away, gave Mike some saltines, started chicken noodle soup, paused chicken noodle soup because Mara woke up, consoled Mara (who kept crying), fed Mara, held Mara while trying to continue chicken noodle soup, told Shermie to please stop scratching the door I would take him to go potty after Mara went to sleep at 7:30, played with Mara, changed Mara, caved in and took Shermie out with Mara in her stroller, continued to make soup with Mara in my arms, put Mara to sleep, finished soup, ate soup, and finally ... finally... am now relaxing.
Today was the hardest day I've had as a mommy. Normally, when I'm stressed with Mara, I can talk to Mike. But with him out-of-commission and me running on empty, today became significantly more difficult!
To my mom (and dad) and ALL moms (and dads) out there in the world ... thank-you. Even as adults, we children don't know what it is to put all others' needs in front of our own until we experience it ourselves. After today's experience, I am especially blown away by single parents or parents who are often alone as they raise their family. It is not an easy task by any stretch of the imagination, and I have a revised sense of respect for you and all parents. Wow.
SO, I recommend you hug your mom (or dad) today...hug ANY mom or dad (that you know - don't be a creepy stranger ;) and tell them thank-you. XO
Tuesday, February 5, 2013
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
Photo Catch-Up
Mara Lou is nearly 11 weeks old now! Unfortunately, she's battling her first big cold. She and Mommy are both sneezing a lot with congestion, runny noses, and sore throats. Luckily, I am able to stay at home and snuggle her and rest with her and wash the bazillion outfits and toys that are contaminated with her various ... secretions.. ;)
Yesterday it was over 70 degrees here in KC! Mara and I took our first trip to the KC zoo with some other mommies and babies and had a SPECTACULAR time! Not only was the company wonderful, but the zoo is really awesome! We saw elephants, gorillas, camels, cheetahs, lions, tigers (no bears), springboks, polar bears, rhinos, crocodiles... it was excellent. 4 1/2 hours well-spent on such a beautiful January 28th day.
The weather here has really been the perfect version of crazy... relatively crummy during the week and nicer on the weekends! Last weekend was warm-ish (low 50s!), so we took a nice long stroll on Sunday in Loose Park, which is only a half mile from where we live. It was lovely!
Yesterday it was over 70 degrees here in KC! Mara and I took our first trip to the KC zoo with some other mommies and babies and had a SPECTACULAR time! Not only was the company wonderful, but the zoo is really awesome! We saw elephants, gorillas, camels, cheetahs, lions, tigers (no bears), springboks, polar bears, rhinos, crocodiles... it was excellent. 4 1/2 hours well-spent on such a beautiful January 28th day.
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Mara and the Elephant! |
The weather here has really been the perfect version of crazy... relatively crummy during the week and nicer on the weekends! Last weekend was warm-ish (low 50s!), so we took a nice long stroll on Sunday in Loose Park, which is only a half mile from where we live. It was lovely!
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Cutest little Wicked Witch from the West impersonation I've ever seen <3 |
Making dinner together! Hopefully she learns to be a good cook early on! |
Love being a mommy, but here's the reality - GIGANTIC bags under your eyes, almost as deep as your love for your baby... |
We're Going on a Bear Hunt is one of Mara's favorites... well, one of the only books she doesn't cry through. That and Chicka Chicka Boom Boom... |
Shermie turned 4! (And the bone picture turned upside down but I'm too lazy to go through the process of turning it...) |
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
Squirt Gun Poops & Big Girl Milestones
You might ask, "How can Lindsay possibly have any more poop stories???"
Let me rock your world...
4:30 a.m. ... Last night ... Mara had just finished nursing ... Time to change the diaper ...
I had just cleaned up the poopy diaper, removed it, and put her A+D ointment on her little booty. As I was thanking my stars for her not pooping while I applied the gel (which I do every time - I realize I'm not in the clear for that one until she's out of diapers), Mara was wiggling happily on her changing pad. Suddenly, she lifted her bottom and SQUIRTED poop out across the room. I sh*t you not. (Yes, I intended to make that pun.) Seriously, though, it was like she had loaded a squirt gun with her feces and pumped her little Super Soaker to achieve maximum pressure before releasing her ammo. I couldn't believe it. How is that feat even possible?!?! As it happened, I couldn't help but exclaim, "Oh my GOD!" and woke Mike up. ("Sorry, honey, didn't mean to wake you... but your daughter is a poop acrobat...a poopcrobat, if you will.")
I cleaned up as much as I could with limited light from the bathroom, but even with the Oxyclean, there was still discoloration on the floor that I saw this morning.. it's literally a line of stains. Unreal.
Always one to keep me on my toes, Mara decided to sneeze while I was changing her this morning when she woke up... along with the sneeze came more poop. Luckily, this extra little surprise didn't shoot across the room.. it just soaked her old diaper, new diaper (which was underneath/to the side of the old one), and her PJs (underneath/to the side of the new diaper). Unbelievable. Maybe I should contact the Guinness Book of World Records? Is there a category for Longest Poop Shot Out of a Baby's Butt??
Science of Rock 'n Roll
Mike, Mara, and I went to Union Station's current special exhibit, The Science of Rock 'n Roll. It was awesome! Lots of history, music, and interactive elements. You could play the guitar, piano, drums, or sing and record yourself...upload it using your "backstage pass"...and view it online later! So cool.. too bad Mara got hungry after just over an hour. I would have liked to have stayed longer and played more. :) I recommend the exhibit for anyone in the KC area! Educational and fun!
Big Girl @ 2 Months Old!
Mara was 2 months old on Monday, January 14th. I can't believe it! The sad part of her big day was that she had to get 3 shots at the pediatrician's office. SO, SO SAD. I knew it would be hard, but I can't erase the image of my sweet little trusting baby girl looking at me happily and then getting poked by a mean ol' sharp needle. Her eyes got huge, as she was startled, and then she just started screaming. I was holding her hands and she squeezed my fingers so tightly I thought she'd never let go. It was all I could do to not cry right along with her. I'm trying to figure out how to keep her from being traumatized by needles or the doctor, or thinking that her mommy causes her pain. :-/
A fun part of her growing up is that she's more interested in interacting. We have gone to a few Gymboree classes and she looooves looking at the other kids. She is also a fan of The Wheels on the Bus and the movements we do...although, she usually tries to eat my hands when I hold them to make circles with them... this kid is always hungry! (Maybe that's why she's a poopcrobat...) Books are a fun thing for us to enjoy, too! Here she is, reading Moo, Baa, Fa La La with me. :)
Also, reading The Giving Tree as a mommy gives an entirely new meaning to the relationship between the tree and the boy. I got choked up reading it to Mara Lou!
I just love her so much.. So much. <3
Let me rock your world...
4:30 a.m. ... Last night ... Mara had just finished nursing ... Time to change the diaper ...
I had just cleaned up the poopy diaper, removed it, and put her A+D ointment on her little booty. As I was thanking my stars for her not pooping while I applied the gel (which I do every time - I realize I'm not in the clear for that one until she's out of diapers), Mara was wiggling happily on her changing pad. Suddenly, she lifted her bottom and SQUIRTED poop out across the room. I sh*t you not. (Yes, I intended to make that pun.) Seriously, though, it was like she had loaded a squirt gun with her feces and pumped her little Super Soaker to achieve maximum pressure before releasing her ammo. I couldn't believe it. How is that feat even possible?!?! As it happened, I couldn't help but exclaim, "Oh my GOD!" and woke Mike up. ("Sorry, honey, didn't mean to wake you... but your daughter is a poop acrobat...a poopcrobat, if you will.")
I cleaned up as much as I could with limited light from the bathroom, but even with the Oxyclean, there was still discoloration on the floor that I saw this morning.. it's literally a line of stains. Unreal.
Always one to keep me on my toes, Mara decided to sneeze while I was changing her this morning when she woke up... along with the sneeze came more poop. Luckily, this extra little surprise didn't shoot across the room.. it just soaked her old diaper, new diaper (which was underneath/to the side of the old one), and her PJs (underneath/to the side of the new diaper). Unbelievable. Maybe I should contact the Guinness Book of World Records? Is there a category for Longest Poop Shot Out of a Baby's Butt??
Science of Rock 'n Roll
Mike, Mara, and I went to Union Station's current special exhibit, The Science of Rock 'n Roll. It was awesome! Lots of history, music, and interactive elements. You could play the guitar, piano, drums, or sing and record yourself...upload it using your "backstage pass"...and view it online later! So cool.. too bad Mara got hungry after just over an hour. I would have liked to have stayed longer and played more. :) I recommend the exhibit for anyone in the KC area! Educational and fun!
My terrible impression of Elvis... I was working hard on the legs, but Mike cut them off! At least Mara got to be part of the Hound Dog experience. :) |
The Anderson Family Singers ... see our band behind us?? |
Big Girl @ 2 Months Old!
Mara was 2 months old on Monday, January 14th. I can't believe it! The sad part of her big day was that she had to get 3 shots at the pediatrician's office. SO, SO SAD. I knew it would be hard, but I can't erase the image of my sweet little trusting baby girl looking at me happily and then getting poked by a mean ol' sharp needle. Her eyes got huge, as she was startled, and then she just started screaming. I was holding her hands and she squeezed my fingers so tightly I thought she'd never let go. It was all I could do to not cry right along with her. I'm trying to figure out how to keep her from being traumatized by needles or the doctor, or thinking that her mommy causes her pain. :-/
A fun part of her growing up is that she's more interested in interacting. We have gone to a few Gymboree classes and she looooves looking at the other kids. She is also a fan of The Wheels on the Bus and the movements we do...although, she usually tries to eat my hands when I hold them to make circles with them... this kid is always hungry! (Maybe that's why she's a poopcrobat...) Books are a fun thing for us to enjoy, too! Here she is, reading Moo, Baa, Fa La La with me. :)
Also, reading The Giving Tree as a mommy gives an entirely new meaning to the relationship between the tree and the boy. I got choked up reading it to Mara Lou!
I just love her so much.. So much. <3
Wednesday, January 9, 2013
Good to Know...
From an article on
"You are more than an incubator and more than a parent. Sometimes that's hard to remember. Be
true to YOU. Change is good. Change is a part of life. You will grow. You will change, but don't
become what you 'think you should be' now that you are a mom."
From Mayo Clinic's Guide to Your Baby's First Year:
"How you react to your child's temperament is a key part of parenting. Instead of looking at your child as a
direct reflection of yourself or your parenting skills, try to look at him or her as a separate individual with his or
her own unique perspective. This slight distance between yourself and your child allows you to look
objectively at your child's needs and adapt your parenting style to meet those needs. Rather than trying to
change your child's disposition, you can focus on creating the best possible environment in which your child
can naturally thrive." p. 143
Both quotes are meaningful to me...I find myself sometimes stressed, wondering what other people are thinking as they watch me be a parent in public. There are so many books, parenting theories, and philosophies... and yet, they can easily make you feel like there is a right way to be a mom or dad.. which leads to you (me) questioning yourself, "Am I doing this the right way?" And as soon as there's a right way, there's a wrong way. And seeing something as a dichotomy means you have to be on one side or the other....being relatively self-critical, I typically find myself wondering if I really am on the "right-way-of-parenting" side. ......the CNN quote is a reminder to keep yourself in the daily rotation of care-taking...and the Mayo Clinic book's quote reminds me (and all moms, I suspect) that my baby is her own person, and I need to think, "What does she need?" and begin there...and be okay if she is not perfectly happy or quiet immediately following my actions.
Sorry for the rambling...but it's my blog, so I get to ramble. :)
"You are more than an incubator and more than a parent. Sometimes that's hard to remember. Be
true to YOU. Change is good. Change is a part of life. You will grow. You will change, but don't
become what you 'think you should be' now that you are a mom."
From Mayo Clinic's Guide to Your Baby's First Year:
"How you react to your child's temperament is a key part of parenting. Instead of looking at your child as a
direct reflection of yourself or your parenting skills, try to look at him or her as a separate individual with his or
her own unique perspective. This slight distance between yourself and your child allows you to look
objectively at your child's needs and adapt your parenting style to meet those needs. Rather than trying to
change your child's disposition, you can focus on creating the best possible environment in which your child
can naturally thrive." p. 143
Both quotes are meaningful to me...I find myself sometimes stressed, wondering what other people are thinking as they watch me be a parent in public. There are so many books, parenting theories, and philosophies... and yet, they can easily make you feel like there is a right way to be a mom or dad.. which leads to you (me) questioning yourself, "Am I doing this the right way?" And as soon as there's a right way, there's a wrong way. And seeing something as a dichotomy means you have to be on one side or the other....being relatively self-critical, I typically find myself wondering if I really am on the "right-way-of-parenting" side. ......the CNN quote is a reminder to keep yourself in the daily rotation of care-taking...and the Mayo Clinic book's quote reminds me (and all moms, I suspect) that my baby is her own person, and I need to think, "What does she need?" and begin there...and be okay if she is not perfectly happy or quiet immediately following my actions.
Sorry for the rambling...but it's my blog, so I get to ramble. :)
Tuesday, January 8, 2013
Hungry Babies & Naughty Puppies
Today, Mara and I set out to do some shopping at Trader Joe's and Target. She was adorable in her melon-colored fleece zip-up vest and ready to rock - didn't even fight me when I put her in her car seat! I threw on some actual clothes (I think my pajama pants could walk on their own by now), gave Shermie a treat, and off we went...
Mara was excellent in TJ's... she slept almost the entire time and I got to stock up on Almond Milk (YUM - Trader Joe's plain version is the only kind I like). By the way, I was the crazy label-reader during this trip...I probably could have cut my time there in half if I didn't have to read the labels, but milk proteins lurk EVERYWHERE! Ahhh, what I do for my baby to not have a hurty belly (and for me to get some rest). Anyway, as we checked out of Trader Joe's, she began to stir and as soon as we were in the car, she was crying. Luckily, Target is in the same shopping center, so our drive wasn't far. Well, Mara was quiet for about a minute once we were inside Target, and then she started crying with the full capacity of her lungs. The last time we were in Target together, she did the same thing... I don't know what she's got against Target, but it's a huge grudge, that's for sure! Fortunately, all I was buying was diapers and window shades for the car, so I was quick, but... Mara was still crying. The. Entire. Time.
She turned it up on the 12 minute drive home...I kid you not, she sounded like the alarm when they do the tests on the T.V. I didn't know human beings could even make that noise! Good God. Nothing consoled her; in fact, my voice made her cry harder, as if she was saying, "Mom, you jerk! I know you're here and you STILL won't help me!"
I'd like to say, here, that if you ever are angry with a driver for their actions on the road, consider that they may have a screaming child in their car. Maybe it will help you give the poor soul a break...Inconsolable screams can be quite frazzling.
Once to our apartment complex, I had to make the choice of whether to bring her up with the first load of groceries or keep her in the car (at the entrance to our building)... I felt like the worse mom ever as I closed the car door on my screaming baby and ran the first bags up to the apartment...
And THEN...what should I find upon entering the door????
Sweet little Shermie AND a poopy diaper on the floor!!!!!!!!
For the very first time, Shermie got into a dirty diaper and pulled it out into the living room. I was LIVID. Not only was I stressed with my screaming baby and the shame of leaving her for a I was dealing with my little dog communicating that he was pissed about being left behind via stinky dipes?? Ugh.
At the end of it all, Mara got to eat, the groceries got put away, Shermie got a spank and a 1-minute time-out, and I even got some happy smiles and gurgles from my baby girl before she took a nap (which is what she is doing now...which is why I have the time to type this. ;)
I'm going to sleep SO hard tonight................................right Mara?
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Ready for Trader Joe's! |
Proof of her sweetness in stores...Sunday's trip to World Market :) |
Mara was excellent in TJ's... she slept almost the entire time and I got to stock up on Almond Milk (YUM - Trader Joe's plain version is the only kind I like). By the way, I was the crazy label-reader during this trip...I probably could have cut my time there in half if I didn't have to read the labels, but milk proteins lurk EVERYWHERE! Ahhh, what I do for my baby to not have a hurty belly (and for me to get some rest). Anyway, as we checked out of Trader Joe's, she began to stir and as soon as we were in the car, she was crying. Luckily, Target is in the same shopping center, so our drive wasn't far. Well, Mara was quiet for about a minute once we were inside Target, and then she started crying with the full capacity of her lungs. The last time we were in Target together, she did the same thing... I don't know what she's got against Target, but it's a huge grudge, that's for sure! Fortunately, all I was buying was diapers and window shades for the car, so I was quick, but... Mara was still crying. The. Entire. Time.
She turned it up on the 12 minute drive home...I kid you not, she sounded like the alarm when they do the tests on the T.V. I didn't know human beings could even make that noise! Good God. Nothing consoled her; in fact, my voice made her cry harder, as if she was saying, "Mom, you jerk! I know you're here and you STILL won't help me!"
I'd like to say, here, that if you ever are angry with a driver for their actions on the road, consider that they may have a screaming child in their car. Maybe it will help you give the poor soul a break...Inconsolable screams can be quite frazzling.
Once to our apartment complex, I had to make the choice of whether to bring her up with the first load of groceries or keep her in the car (at the entrance to our building)... I felt like the worse mom ever as I closed the car door on my screaming baby and ran the first bags up to the apartment...
And THEN...what should I find upon entering the door????
Sweet little Shermie AND a poopy diaper on the floor!!!!!!!!
For the very first time, Shermie got into a dirty diaper and pulled it out into the living room. I was LIVID. Not only was I stressed with my screaming baby and the shame of leaving her for a I was dealing with my little dog communicating that he was pissed about being left behind via stinky dipes?? Ugh.
At the end of it all, Mara got to eat, the groceries got put away, Shermie got a spank and a 1-minute time-out, and I even got some happy smiles and gurgles from my baby girl before she took a nap (which is what she is doing now...which is why I have the time to type this. ;)
I'm going to sleep SO hard tonight................................right Mara?
Friday, January 4, 2013
Hodge Podge of Stories :)
Eat, Sleep, and PooooooooooooooooooooooooooooP
I don't know about other children, but my little Mara is a fantastic pooper. And by this, I mean that she has dealt Daddy and me some very interesting diaper situations. Mike had a gagging experience the first time she pooped on him (though, now he's a pro at changing diapers....putting shirts/sleeper sacks on over her head? ...he's in training. :)). She's sharted on me more than I'd like to admit. I have come to accept the fact that I am currently on this blessed earth to feed my baby, change my baby, soothe my baby, and be puked/sharted on by my baby. It's fine. While taking Shermie out for a walk today, I found myself wishing I had quiet time to read a book (Mara takes naps, but that time is quickly used cleaning, cooking for myself, eating, and tending to things like bills...okay, and a bit of facebook time - I need some entertainment! :). Anyway, I caught myself craving some time for a book, and then I stopped and realized that Mara would be a big girl before I knew it...and even though I would like to fast-forward through the days/nights when she is crying from a hurty belly or times when she isn't satisfied being anywhere but in my arms, I am so happy to be her mommy and have the chance to snuggle her and kiss her until my lips tingle (it can happen, believe me!). So, that sentiment being offered, here are some sh*tty stories. ;)
Poop up the hair
Mara's first big super messy poop. She was wearing a sleeper sack (basically a long nightie - convenient for diaper-changing in the middle of the night). Before I continue, for those of you who haven't experienced Mara's poops, she is notorious for blowing out her diapers. Well, this was one for the books. She pooped out of the top of her diaper up her back. Now, this meant the sleeper sack was soaked. You know what sucks about that? The sleeper sack has to go over her head. O.M.G. - the poop was smeared up her back and even in her HAIR, people!! There was just no way around it. She was a mess. This led to her first bath (which will be discussed further in the "Mommy Fail" section...).
Chicago Poop
On our drive back to KC from Muskegon after Christmas, Mike and I made a last-minute decision to stop in Chicago. (Chicago friends who we didn't see, please forgive me - we were there for an afternoon and left the next morning at 6am.. I wish we could have seen everyone!) Our friend Laurnay was holding Mara Lou, who was wrapped in her favorite cozy pink blanky. She was fussing for a few minutes, and then... suddenly....BOOM. Long, wet, and I am sure quite a relief to Mara. We all froze and then laughed like crazy. I told Laurnay to wait a little bit, because like deer, where there's one, there's bound to be more. After 10 minutes, I tackled the diaper. Holy smokes. Thank God Mara was wearing a onesie, tights, and a cute sweatshirt-material dress (thanks Amber!).... it didn't make it through all of the layers to the blanket, so at least that was salvaged. I'm not kidding you, it took me a solid 15 minutes to change her. It's like the chicken and the egg dilemma- you need to clean her off, but as you lay her on her changing pad, it gets dirty...and as you lift her, you have to wipe her back and the pad before she relaxes back down...all the while trying to get the wipes in the dirty diaper and slip the new one under her before she pees all over the place (she flooded her changing pad at Papa Beck's house). I think she gave quite the poopy diaper initiation to some of our ChiTown Buddies. :)
Christmas Poop
Whereas Mara's layers of clothing protected her blanket in Chicago, they did not protect Mike on Christmas day. He had just opened Scottie's gift of a Notre Dame jersey and put it on when Mara let it rip while in Mike's arms. His laughing stopped when he felt warmth on his skin...and then a wetness....Suddenly, Mara was at arm's length as he held her out and realized his brand new jersey was moistened with poo. He immediately took it off, to realize his long-sleeved shirt underneath was wet, too. [Removes layer] Yes, folks, even his undershirt was stained an awesome tan color with Mara's poop spot. 3 layers. This girl has talent! Watching Mike change her on a pool table, shirtless, was almost as funny as watching her wet-poop all over Notre Dame. :)
Hobo's Poop
On our first full day in Michigan, I had plans to meet up with a friend at Hobo's. I was taking Mara and Mike was staying in GR to workout (ahem, overachiever). About 10 minutes from Hobo's (our lunch spot), Mara started screaming. I sang, spoke to her, tried the radio...nothing worked, so I let her cry it out. I figured she was hungry, since it was about that time, and told her I'd giver her a bottle upon our arrival. Well, I gave her a few ounces in the booth, and when I went to burp her, I realized her back was half-brown. Of course, I hadn't packed clothes in her diaper bag, so I had to run out to the car, grab an outfit from her suitcase, and run back in (while my dear friend held my sweet, stinky, poop-soaked baby- bless her). The changing experience was intense. I used the pull-down changing station for the first time, all the while thinking how unsanitary it was as I laid my poopy daughter on her tiny changing pad. She was pissed because it was cold and I was trying to NOT get poop in her hair as I removed her clothes. It took 10 minutes! Geez. I feel like I'm being hazed by my daughter into the Mommy Gang.
Mommy Fail
Think back to when Mara got poop in her hair...and I decided it was time for her first bath. Well, the little bath mats that my grandma got for us were still at my dad's house in Michigan, so I searched for a make-shift bath contraption. Mara's bassinet came with a little changing pad with mini stilts that support the mat when you put it on top of the bassinet. Perfect! thought me, since the stilts would keep the mat above the water in the tub so I could wash her and keep her safe. Soo, I got a clean diaper out and ready, brought in wipes in case she decided to go potty again (which, she did, but while laying on the mat as I did all this...I discovered my baby was laying in her own urine a couple minutes later...ew). I got her towel, a wash cloth, her shampoo, and a new outfit all ready... I was PREpared.
I filled up the tub, placed the mat in there, and dipped the washcloth in the water and gently wiped it over the back of her head to check her reaction. Well, she was laying on her belly with her head to the side, and her reaction was to turn her head so that her nose/mouth were facing downward. Suddenly, she wasn't breathing. The little bit of water from the washcloth was at the bottom of the mat and she had inhaled it. I picked her up and her eyes were huge, looking at me, shocked. Her arms were straight out. I threw her over my shoulder and began smacking her back, freaking out that she wasn't yet taking in air. This whole ordeal lasted maybe 8 to 10 seconds, but I swear to you, I lost years of my life in sheer panic. Finally, she coughed and took in a beautiful breath of air, which she expelled with screams as her body turned red. I immediately left the bathroom and didn't return for a day-and-a-half.
I wasn't sure if I'd share this story on here, but after talking to experienced moms, it seems we all have things like this happen to us. So, for posterity, here's my account of my personal mommy "oops." May it serve future mommies as a reassurance that everyone makes mistakes and they are still excellent mamas who are just learning the ropes one day at a time.
Liam's Anatomy and Birds&Bees Lesson
Ahhhh Liam... my 3 1/2 year old nephew stayed at my dad's house one night over our vacation. I had gone upstairs to nurse Mara in the guest room when Liam trotted up the stairs to see what Mara was up to (he expressed over and over to me: "I wuv her," while kissing her head - sweetest boy ever!). I wasn't wearing my nursing cover, but I decided that since all he could see was a bulge, I wouldn't scurry to cover anything up. He approached and asked what Mara was doing.
"Eating," I said...knowing there would be a follow-up...
"What's she eating?" questioned Liam.
"....milk." I replied.
"Milk?" he asked, curious...
I smiled...Oh God, I know where this is going to go....
"Is it in your belly?" he asked.
Okay, Linds, this is the fork in the road... you could reply with a yes and avert this conversation, or you can just be honest and he won't be confused when he finds out the truth later...
"'s in my boobs." I said.
"Your booooooobs?!" cried Liam, giggling.
Liam then came around the other side of the bed, hopped up, pulled up his shirt, and said, "You be the baby - you want some milk?"
"Well, Liam, only mommies have milk for their babies. Only mommies."
Liam looked over a minute later, glanced at my boob, and said, "You have big muscles!" HA. Well, at least I got to direct the conversation toward his muscles and not where my baby was drinking from...
About 5 minutes later, my stepmom and Liam's grandma came upstairs and sat on the bed. Liam promptly touched her arm and said, "Mimi, can I have some of your milk??" got some 'splaining to do....
Another moment that evening...Liam came into the room while I was changing Mara's diaper. He asked, "What's that??" pointing to her girl parts. "That's her vagina," I told him. "Does she have a peepee too?" he inquired. "No," I said, "she's a girl, so she has a vagina. Boys have peepees." Fast-forward a few hours when Mike is using the bathroom....Liam opens the door, peeks his head in, and informs him, "You have a peepee and I have a peepee because we're boys," and then leaves the room.
You're welcome, Justine. ;) When it's time for Liam to have the birds and the bees conversation, you can just call us...we're clearly experts. hahaha
Parents' Night Out
For Mike's 28th birthday, I decided to give him a date night - dinner and a movie. We had asked his [awesome] co-worker to babysit Mara and we were off to Houlihan's (where I was THRILLED to try their mini martini flight - it's been 10 months since I've had a buzz...) and then were going to see Skyfall. Well, Mike had to buy dinner (that's what happens when your wife doesn't have an income) but I was excited to use a Visa gift card to buy movie tickets. We arrived to the theater to find that IT WAS SOLD OUT!!! What??? With all the new movies out, people bought all the tickets to Skyfall, which came out November 9th??? Ughhhh. So, you know what we did? We went to Blockbuster and came home early. 2 1/2 hours after we left. I felt bad for Mike's bday gift going awry, but I was also bummed we didn't get a full adult date night. This is the life of a parent, huh?
Sweet Little Talker (video)
Here's a little clip of baby girl making noise, kicking, and being cute. (Please ignore my ridiculously high-pitched babble...she likes it best). :)
Belly Issues
Little Mara Lou still has some fussy evenings with her belly, but I have found that dairy is DEFINITELY the main culprit of her pain. We had to use some stored milk upon our homecoming after the holidays because I had taken Pepto Bismol on our ride home (mommy had some belly issues of her own) and there is something in that medicine that can be bad for babies. The stored milk was from before I knew dairy was the problem, and BOY was she in a lot of pain. Screaming. Not just crying. Screaming for a few hours. At one point, I was curled up on the bed, my head in my hands, crying right along with her as Mike took a turn bouncing her and patting her back. It was terrible. I am basically dairy-free (unless it's a tiny bit of milk or butter in a dinner recipe), and Mara's belly is significantly better.
I don't know about other children, but my little Mara is a fantastic pooper. And by this, I mean that she has dealt Daddy and me some very interesting diaper situations. Mike had a gagging experience the first time she pooped on him (though, now he's a pro at changing diapers....putting shirts/sleeper sacks on over her head? ...he's in training. :)). She's sharted on me more than I'd like to admit. I have come to accept the fact that I am currently on this blessed earth to feed my baby, change my baby, soothe my baby, and be puked/sharted on by my baby. It's fine. While taking Shermie out for a walk today, I found myself wishing I had quiet time to read a book (Mara takes naps, but that time is quickly used cleaning, cooking for myself, eating, and tending to things like bills...okay, and a bit of facebook time - I need some entertainment! :). Anyway, I caught myself craving some time for a book, and then I stopped and realized that Mara would be a big girl before I knew it...and even though I would like to fast-forward through the days/nights when she is crying from a hurty belly or times when she isn't satisfied being anywhere but in my arms, I am so happy to be her mommy and have the chance to snuggle her and kiss her until my lips tingle (it can happen, believe me!). So, that sentiment being offered, here are some sh*tty stories. ;)
Poop up the hair
Mara's first big super messy poop. She was wearing a sleeper sack (basically a long nightie - convenient for diaper-changing in the middle of the night). Before I continue, for those of you who haven't experienced Mara's poops, she is notorious for blowing out her diapers. Well, this was one for the books. She pooped out of the top of her diaper up her back. Now, this meant the sleeper sack was soaked. You know what sucks about that? The sleeper sack has to go over her head. O.M.G. - the poop was smeared up her back and even in her HAIR, people!! There was just no way around it. She was a mess. This led to her first bath (which will be discussed further in the "Mommy Fail" section...).
Chicago Poop
On our drive back to KC from Muskegon after Christmas, Mike and I made a last-minute decision to stop in Chicago. (Chicago friends who we didn't see, please forgive me - we were there for an afternoon and left the next morning at 6am.. I wish we could have seen everyone!) Our friend Laurnay was holding Mara Lou, who was wrapped in her favorite cozy pink blanky. She was fussing for a few minutes, and then... suddenly....BOOM. Long, wet, and I am sure quite a relief to Mara. We all froze and then laughed like crazy. I told Laurnay to wait a little bit, because like deer, where there's one, there's bound to be more. After 10 minutes, I tackled the diaper. Holy smokes. Thank God Mara was wearing a onesie, tights, and a cute sweatshirt-material dress (thanks Amber!).... it didn't make it through all of the layers to the blanket, so at least that was salvaged. I'm not kidding you, it took me a solid 15 minutes to change her. It's like the chicken and the egg dilemma- you need to clean her off, but as you lay her on her changing pad, it gets dirty...and as you lift her, you have to wipe her back and the pad before she relaxes back down...all the while trying to get the wipes in the dirty diaper and slip the new one under her before she pees all over the place (she flooded her changing pad at Papa Beck's house). I think she gave quite the poopy diaper initiation to some of our ChiTown Buddies. :)
Christmas Poop
Whereas Mara's layers of clothing protected her blanket in Chicago, they did not protect Mike on Christmas day. He had just opened Scottie's gift of a Notre Dame jersey and put it on when Mara let it rip while in Mike's arms. His laughing stopped when he felt warmth on his skin...and then a wetness....Suddenly, Mara was at arm's length as he held her out and realized his brand new jersey was moistened with poo. He immediately took it off, to realize his long-sleeved shirt underneath was wet, too. [Removes layer] Yes, folks, even his undershirt was stained an awesome tan color with Mara's poop spot. 3 layers. This girl has talent! Watching Mike change her on a pool table, shirtless, was almost as funny as watching her wet-poop all over Notre Dame. :)
Hobo's Poop
On our first full day in Michigan, I had plans to meet up with a friend at Hobo's. I was taking Mara and Mike was staying in GR to workout (ahem, overachiever). About 10 minutes from Hobo's (our lunch spot), Mara started screaming. I sang, spoke to her, tried the radio...nothing worked, so I let her cry it out. I figured she was hungry, since it was about that time, and told her I'd giver her a bottle upon our arrival. Well, I gave her a few ounces in the booth, and when I went to burp her, I realized her back was half-brown. Of course, I hadn't packed clothes in her diaper bag, so I had to run out to the car, grab an outfit from her suitcase, and run back in (while my dear friend held my sweet, stinky, poop-soaked baby- bless her). The changing experience was intense. I used the pull-down changing station for the first time, all the while thinking how unsanitary it was as I laid my poopy daughter on her tiny changing pad. She was pissed because it was cold and I was trying to NOT get poop in her hair as I removed her clothes. It took 10 minutes! Geez. I feel like I'm being hazed by my daughter into the Mommy Gang.
Mommy Fail
Think back to when Mara got poop in her hair...and I decided it was time for her first bath. Well, the little bath mats that my grandma got for us were still at my dad's house in Michigan, so I searched for a make-shift bath contraption. Mara's bassinet came with a little changing pad with mini stilts that support the mat when you put it on top of the bassinet. Perfect! thought me, since the stilts would keep the mat above the water in the tub so I could wash her and keep her safe. Soo, I got a clean diaper out and ready, brought in wipes in case she decided to go potty again (which, she did, but while laying on the mat as I did all this...I discovered my baby was laying in her own urine a couple minutes later...ew). I got her towel, a wash cloth, her shampoo, and a new outfit all ready... I was PREpared.
I filled up the tub, placed the mat in there, and dipped the washcloth in the water and gently wiped it over the back of her head to check her reaction. Well, she was laying on her belly with her head to the side, and her reaction was to turn her head so that her nose/mouth were facing downward. Suddenly, she wasn't breathing. The little bit of water from the washcloth was at the bottom of the mat and she had inhaled it. I picked her up and her eyes were huge, looking at me, shocked. Her arms were straight out. I threw her over my shoulder and began smacking her back, freaking out that she wasn't yet taking in air. This whole ordeal lasted maybe 8 to 10 seconds, but I swear to you, I lost years of my life in sheer panic. Finally, she coughed and took in a beautiful breath of air, which she expelled with screams as her body turned red. I immediately left the bathroom and didn't return for a day-and-a-half.
I wasn't sure if I'd share this story on here, but after talking to experienced moms, it seems we all have things like this happen to us. So, for posterity, here's my account of my personal mommy "oops." May it serve future mommies as a reassurance that everyone makes mistakes and they are still excellent mamas who are just learning the ropes one day at a time.
Liam's Anatomy and Birds&Bees Lesson
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Liam holding his favorite cousin :) |
"Eating," I said...knowing there would be a follow-up...
"What's she eating?" questioned Liam.
"....milk." I replied.
"Milk?" he asked, curious...
I smiled...Oh God, I know where this is going to go....
"Is it in your belly?" he asked.
Okay, Linds, this is the fork in the road... you could reply with a yes and avert this conversation, or you can just be honest and he won't be confused when he finds out the truth later...
"'s in my boobs." I said.
"Your booooooobs?!" cried Liam, giggling.
Liam then came around the other side of the bed, hopped up, pulled up his shirt, and said, "You be the baby - you want some milk?"
"Well, Liam, only mommies have milk for their babies. Only mommies."
Liam looked over a minute later, glanced at my boob, and said, "You have big muscles!" HA. Well, at least I got to direct the conversation toward his muscles and not where my baby was drinking from...
About 5 minutes later, my stepmom and Liam's grandma came upstairs and sat on the bed. Liam promptly touched her arm and said, "Mimi, can I have some of your milk??" got some 'splaining to do....
Another moment that evening...Liam came into the room while I was changing Mara's diaper. He asked, "What's that??" pointing to her girl parts. "That's her vagina," I told him. "Does she have a peepee too?" he inquired. "No," I said, "she's a girl, so she has a vagina. Boys have peepees." Fast-forward a few hours when Mike is using the bathroom....Liam opens the door, peeks his head in, and informs him, "You have a peepee and I have a peepee because we're boys," and then leaves the room.
You're welcome, Justine. ;) When it's time for Liam to have the birds and the bees conversation, you can just call us...we're clearly experts. hahaha
Parents' Night Out
For Mike's 28th birthday, I decided to give him a date night - dinner and a movie. We had asked his [awesome] co-worker to babysit Mara and we were off to Houlihan's (where I was THRILLED to try their mini martini flight - it's been 10 months since I've had a buzz...) and then were going to see Skyfall. Well, Mike had to buy dinner (that's what happens when your wife doesn't have an income) but I was excited to use a Visa gift card to buy movie tickets. We arrived to the theater to find that IT WAS SOLD OUT!!! What??? With all the new movies out, people bought all the tickets to Skyfall, which came out November 9th??? Ughhhh. So, you know what we did? We went to Blockbuster and came home early. 2 1/2 hours after we left. I felt bad for Mike's bday gift going awry, but I was also bummed we didn't get a full adult date night. This is the life of a parent, huh?
10:07 p.m. |
Sweet Little Talker (video)
Here's a little clip of baby girl making noise, kicking, and being cute. (Please ignore my ridiculously high-pitched babble...she likes it best). :)
Belly Issues
Little Mara Lou still has some fussy evenings with her belly, but I have found that dairy is DEFINITELY the main culprit of her pain. We had to use some stored milk upon our homecoming after the holidays because I had taken Pepto Bismol on our ride home (mommy had some belly issues of her own) and there is something in that medicine that can be bad for babies. The stored milk was from before I knew dairy was the problem, and BOY was she in a lot of pain. Screaming. Not just crying. Screaming for a few hours. At one point, I was curled up on the bed, my head in my hands, crying right along with her as Mike took a turn bouncing her and patting her back. It was terrible. I am basically dairy-free (unless it's a tiny bit of milk or butter in a dinner recipe), and Mara's belly is significantly better.
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