36 weeks today! Holy smokes!
So I went to the doctor yesterday..not my usual doc, since he was out, but so far anyone I've seen at the KC Women's Clinic has been outstanding. I have constantly been saying to my family that my visits have not been anything to remark upon..of course, this visit went against that statement.
First off, I found out that I'm 1cm (plus a little wiggle room) dilated and 50% effaced. I was so excited..50%! That's halfway to 100%! That's got to mean something, right?? Nope. Checked online and it means absolutely nothing except that my cervix is getting shorter. Nothing in the way of indicating Mara's arrival. Bummer.
I asked the doc if she had "dropped" and if she was in the correct position for labor (head down, facing down). Before the exam, the doctor said that most women feel a lot of pressure in their pelvis and typically waddle when they first get up if the baby's dropped. To the first descriptor, I had no reaction, but to the second, I got excited - I have totally been waddling when I first stand up from sitting or laying down! According to the exam, Mara has definitely dropped (perhaps that's why I can eat full meals these days - more room for my stomach...wahoo!).. but go figure... later last night, I began to feel CRAZY pressure. Not so comfy. Can't win 'em all, eh?
The BEST part of the appointment was after they found protein in my urine...(That's sarcasm, if it isn't communicated through the type..) Luckily, my blood pressure is normal, so it's not necessarily an issue of preeclampsia...but you know what they do to check that everything is alright? They make you PEE in a JUG for a full day! To make things easier for me, I get a little mini potty catch to pee in and pour into the jug. ........hahahahahahaha I can't believe I'm going to be doing this. Friday's the big day. Then I get to bring it in on Saturday and give them a vile of blood to complete the whole process. I don't do Twitter, but can you do a sarcastic #you'rejealousIknowit ?
...change of subject...
I've definitely had weird dreams lately (i.e. big black and white animation-type spiders that talk), but whenever I dream of Mara, it's really good. I had a lovely dream about her; she was about three months old and she was beautiful.... She just looked at me, but it was a great dream. Unfortunately, I can't say Mike is having the same dream experience. This is what he tells me this morning after he finishes brushing his teeth...
Mike: I had a dream about Mara last night.
Me: Really?? What happened?
Mike: We were with Amber and her baby, and Mara was really ugly.
Me: *gasp*
Mike: She was all wrinkly like an old lady and she had a long pointy nose and no chin. I kept wondering why Amber's baby looked so much better. Then, Mara looked at Amber's baby and said, "I hate you!" and I turned to you and said, "Look what you taught her!"
Geez!! So not only does Mike's dream say he thinks our daughter will resemble the witch from Snow White, but he also thinks I am going to teach her to say mean things! Thanks for the vote of confidence, honey....
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