Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Give Your Mom (or Dad) a Hug :)

To this day, when I'm sick, all I want is to be taken care of. I'm sure this stems from being a kid and having my mom come take my temperature, give me 7-Up, feed me soup, hold my hair back if I had to puke, and speak soothingly to me to help me rest. Today, I learned what it was to be on the other side of this relationship...and it made me realize how thankful I am for moms (and dads - saying mom because I am one!) who take care of us so well that we don't realize they are sacrificing their sleep, their hunger, their to-do list for our well-being.

Last week, Mara Lou was sick with her first cold. It is so tough, helplessly watching your little baby cough and breathe through a heavily-congested respiratory track. :( She is finally on the upswing, only coughing a little at night and in the morning...but another member of our family got sick last night...

As I crawled into bed around 11:45 (I can't sleep, even though I'm tired all day), Mike was tossing and turning. He said his belly hurt. By 12:30, he was making frequent visits to the bathroom. We had Pepto in the car from our drive home over the holidays (ugh, don't ask - not fun), so I ran out to the garage at 1, got him the Pepto, and spoon-fed him the pink stuff about 20 minutes before he puked it all up.. after a while, I decided to leave our bedroom and sleep on the bed in Mara's room - I knew I'd never get sleep if I kept hearing Mike get up and get sick... so to Mara's room I went. Sleep. Yes.

Mara only woke at 4:30 and then was up by 8:15. After feeding her, taking her outside to walk Shermie, playing with her, and then putting her to sleep, I checked on Mike. Poor guy was wiped - his body had completely cleaned itself out overnight. I got him some Gatorade and a straw and then proceeded to scrub down the kitchen (he had made dinner last night)...threw in some laundry because Mara likes to spit-up on everything.. and baby girl was up again. Play play play...clean clean clean...made a grocery list ...

Gymboree was at 2... Mara made it to 2:20 before she had had enough and began to cry. It was at this point I realized I had left her pacifier at home in her crib. Crap. This would make grocery shopping an even more interesting experience. As I left Gymboree at 3, I considered just going home, but I knew we had next to nothing for food. SO, I went to Target first, bought a new pacifier, and headed to Trader Joe's. Smart me, I left the frappin' paci in the car!!!! Agghhh... Mara was sleeping, so I just kept shopping. Unfortunately, Mara woke up as I was checking out. At first, she was all smiley, batting her beautiful eyes as I talked to her. That luck ran out. Cue screaming. Handled it pretty well, though, talking to Mara to [try unsuccessfully to] calm her down.

Got home, put her in her swing (where she cried), brought in the groceries, fed Mara, put the groceries away, gave Mike some saltines, started chicken noodle soup, paused chicken noodle soup because Mara woke up, consoled Mara (who kept crying), fed Mara, held Mara while trying to continue chicken noodle soup, told Shermie to please stop scratching the door I would take him to go potty after Mara went to sleep at 7:30, played with Mara, changed Mara, caved in and took Shermie out with Mara in her stroller, continued to make soup with Mara in my arms, put Mara to sleep, finished soup, ate soup, and finally ... finally... am now relaxing.

Today was the hardest day I've had as a mommy. Normally, when I'm stressed with Mara, I can talk to Mike. But with him out-of-commission and me running on empty, today became significantly more difficult!

To my mom (and dad) and ALL moms (and dads) out there in the world ... thank-you. Even as adults, we children don't know what it is to put all others' needs in front of our own until we experience it ourselves. After today's experience, I am especially blown away by single parents or parents who are often alone as they raise their family. It is not an easy task by any stretch of the imagination, and I have a revised sense of respect for you and all parents. Wow.

SO, I recommend you hug your mom (or dad) today...hug ANY mom or dad (that you know - don't be a creepy stranger ;) and tell them thank-you. XO

1 comment:

  1. *I am still fighting a lump in my throat as I type*
    As I read through your latest blog I have so much to type to you, Linds. I want to share comparisons of you and little Mara Lou; comparisons of the heart and what it felt like for me when you were not feeling well; those times when you were a little girl and were sick or hurting, as well as funny things you said and did - Oh, those lines you threw at us that took us aback! (I still quote some of those lines. They make to smile to this very day!) You, too will enjoy these upcoming glorious days of parenthood with lil' Lou! And, as of November 14th 2012, you are forever changed! You will always know the meaning behind the quote, "To have a child is to forever allow your heart to walk around outside your body." ~ Elizabeth Stone

    It is a glorious, sometimes bittersweet albeit, wonderful thing to be a parent. My proof is, you, my daughter! You are beautiful, sweet, smart, savvy, talented, loving, compassionate, determined (I have no idea where you get that trait!) And now you are a loving, nurturing, mom! I am so proud of you and the woman you've become, Lindsay <3 I'll love you for always!
