It's official - we are expecting Baby #2! If Mara was Baby A, do we call this nugget Baby B? Dwandy 2.0? Regardless of the nickname, we are so very excited to get to know the sweet little life that is taking form.
On Friday, June 19th, as Mara and I were walking to our car from the gym, she asked [out of the freakin' blue], "Mommy, do you have a baby in your belly?" Say WHAT?! Shocked with this random question, I replied, "No," and asked her where she heard that expression or who she'd seen with a baby in her belly. She said, "Baby Lyla" (a 7-month-old baby friend of ours). At the moment she asked, I started having cramp-like pain in my abdomen and figured it was clear evidence of NO baby in my belly. Fast forward about 5 hours later; no 'evidence' presented itself to contradict a baby…took a test and - POOF - two lines instead of one! I AM PREGNANT! We'd been trying for five months and were getting a little discouraged. (Having gotten pregnant by surprise with Mara, we weren't accustomed to the roller coaster of emotions each month). I was trembling with excitement!
Maybe Mara should pick out my lotto tickets…
Similar to when I found out I was pregnant with Mara Lou, I chugged water and went to Walgreen's to buy another test just to be sure. Except this time, Mike was at work and my companion was a two-and-a-half year old who, as we looked at Father's Day cards, kept saying, "Happy birthday, Daddy!" <3
Father's Day was Sunday, June 21st, and I was planning to reveal our news to Mike as part of his gift. He'd asked for underwear (I know, I know - exciting lives we lead), so I layered his pair on top of new undies for Mara on top of a newborn diaper. Of course, I didn't make it to Sunday morning. So after dinner Saturday, I gave him his box. As he pulled out his pair and noticed Mara's, I said, "I decided to buy underwear for the whole family." After pulling out the diaper and realizing it was too small for Mara (he assumed the undies and diaper were both in reference to her, as using the toilet wasn't her jam at this point), his head jerked up, eyes wide. My, "I'm pregnant!" was met with his, "Serious?!" and a hug. !!! <3 !!!
We're currently referring to Dwandy 2.0 as "our baby" and Mara enjoys reading Ain't Gonna Paint No More and singing "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star" to her baby. She has already asked if we can take it out of my belly to see it. We are so excited to watch Mara grow as her own person and become a big sister around February 26, 2016!